Tuesday, December 2, 2008

2. Broadly speaking, what characteristics define mumblecore?
--The are slacker-like youth, "twentysomething," centered narratives on life and love, with realistic stories. With improvisational scripts, and the use of non-actors. They use long takes and handheld cameras,

3. What have been the most common charges against mumblecore?
--People have complained that they are pretentious, and the problems presented in the films are "trite" and "so-everyday" that people get upset and question why someone would make a film about basically "nothing."

4. How has the internet affected the DIY distribution of mumblecore films?
--Filmmakers started selling their films directly to websites who could distribute their films from the internet, and DVD sales are rising quickly. This gives these filmmakers a place to distribute their films, when distribution companies dont want to distribute their films.

5. What have been some of the negative consequences of the mumblecore label?
--Corporate companies are trying to get in on the action of the movement and there is and "unnofficial brand" of Mumblecore that they are marketing. Things seem to be headed to the mainstream.

6. IFC Films picked up Hannah Takes the Stairs for “day-and-date” distribution. What does this mean?
--They are not only theatrically being exhibited, but on the same day they are offering distribution for download from their website. So if people like the film they see, they can immediately purchase it.

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